Termite Rail Welding

Alumina-thermite welding is commonly known as thermite welding. It uses heat from extremely exothermic chemical reactions of solid or particulate materials to produce melting and joining, also called fusion, between the metals required for welding.

Most often, the reactions used are combinations of two metals or a combination of a metal and a non-metal (e.g. H, C, O, N, B, Si, S or Se), with oxides having low heat formations and metallic reducing agents having high heat formations when oxidized. Compounds that will react exothermically to produce a compound with a high heat of formation can also be used. In both cases, the excess heat of formation of the reaction products provides the energy to produce the resource.


Application Areas of Thermite Welding:

1-Thermite welding continues to be valid today, especially as a welding method applied in the joining and repair of railway tracks, crane rails.

2-The method is also applied to join pre-stressed concrete steels and copper conductor wires used in electrical transmission lines.

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